What should you do if you find a lump in your breast?

What should you do if you find a lump in your breast?

Breast lumps can be surprisingly common. Most lumps are benign and not cancerous.

It is important to see a doctor immediately to determine their cause and the best course of treatment.

Seeking Medical Attention

You should seek medical help as soon as you notice a lump on your breast. Make an appointment as soon as you can with your primary physician or ob/gyn.

To get a better picture of the lump, your doctor will do a routine physical examination and perform an ultrasound or mammogram. A biopsy may be taken to confirm the type of lump.

Causes common of breast lumps

Breast lumps can be caused by a variety of causes, including:

Cysts can form in the breast. They are benign and don’t require treatment. If a cyst starts to become painful or grows, your doctor might recommend draining it.

Fibroadenomas Fibroadenomas is a solid lump that forms in the breast. These lumps are usually round or oval in shape and can move around within breast tissue.

Mastitis (Infection of the breast tissue): Mastitis can cause swelling, redness and tenderness. It is usually caused by blocked milk glands, and most commonly occurs in breastfeeding women.

Breast Cancer is the leading cause of breast lumps. This is a cancerous condition that begins in the breast cells.

Breast cancer is difficult to detect at its early stages. However, there are some warning signs that you should be aware of, such as a lump, changes in breast size or shape, and discharge coming from the nipple.


Taking care of your own health is important. Self-examinations can help you learn about your normal breast tissue, and identify any changes.

You should perform a breast self-exam by standing in front of the mirror. Look for any changes to your breasts’ size or shape. Feel each breast and the underarms for lumps or changes to the tissue. This can be done in the shower, or lying down. Use the pads of your fingertips to make circular movements over the entire breast region.

Seek medical attention immediately if you notice any changes.

Remember that breast cancer can manifest without any visible lumps or symptoms. It is important to have routine screenings and checks to detect any abnormal tissues that could be hidden deeper within your body.

Mammogram Preparation

Mammograms are X-rays of the breast and one of the most effective ways to detect early breast cancer. Avoid using creams, powders or deodorants before your mammogram as they may cause artifacts.

Mention any symptoms other than the lump, including dimpling of the skin, nipple drainage, redness, or warmth, to your doctor at your next appointment.

Mammograms should be scheduled one to two weeks after the start of your period, when breasts are more tender.

After finding a breast lump and having to undergo diagnostic testing, it’s natural to feel anxious and stressed. Talk to your doctor and ask for support from family members or a therapist, if necessary.

What you can expect after your mammogram

The doctor may order additional tests, such as a biopsy or ultrasound, if the mammogram reveals any suspicious areas. The doctor may refer you to another specialist in some cases.

Remember that a breast lump does not necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Early detection of cancer is crucial for successful treatment. So, if you suspect that it may be cancerous, it’s important to see a doctor immediately.