The Body’s Reaction to Not Moving Enough

The Body’s Reaction to Not Moving Enough

Youneed to move your body.

The majority of biological systems operate on the principle “use it or loose it”. If you do not use your muscles they will atrophy. If you do not move your joints they will stiffen and become painful.

Not only your muscles and joints need to move. Physical activity is essential for your body to function.

Sedentary living has a number of negative effects on your health.

You’ll Experience Digestive Issues

Digestion of food is a complex process, involving many muscles. This is especially true in the intestines. These muscles help to push the food through your intestines at a healthy rate.


These abdominal muscles can weaken when you are not active. It can cause digestive issues like constipation and bloating.

An inactive lifestyle can lead to weight gain and excess calorie consumption, which may cause even more health problems.

Your Bones Change Shape

Even though it may seem that your bones are solid and unchanged, they are constantly being remodelled. The old bone cells are broken and reabsorbed and new ones created to replace them.

As a result of the forces that are placed on your bones, they constantly change. The forces placed on your bones can be reduced when you sit for most of the day. This can result in changes to your bone shape and density.

It can also make you more susceptible to osteoporosis, fractures and breaks. This can lead to changes in posture and alignment that can cause back, neck and other joint pain.

Sitting for too long can lead to changes in posture and alignment that can cause chronic pain.

Your brain and emotions suffer

Inactivity affects your mental health as well. Your mental health does, too.

The brain requires movement as much as your rest of the body. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and provides it with oxygen and nutrients that are needed to function.

You are more likely than not to suffer from:

  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • mood swings
  • irritability
  • forgetfulness
  • trouble concentrating

Your heart and lungs get weaker

Exercise gives your heart and lungs an excellent workout. This exercise is necessary for them to remain strong and work properly.

Your heart muscle can weaken when you are inactive. It can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and other conditions.

Your lungs may also become less efficient in exchanging carbon dioxide and oxygen. It can also make breathing more difficult and increase your susceptibility to respiratory infections and disease.

You Will Have Less Energy

You may think that physical activity, exercise and movement would exhaust you, but a sedentary life style can make you feel more tired and fatigued .

Inactivity prevents your body from properly circulating blood and oxygen. Your muscles, organs, and tissues won’t get the nutrients they require to function.

Inactivity can also lead to poorer sleep quality , leading to fatigue.

You become more susceptible to disease

Inactivity can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and some types of cancer.

This can weaken your immunity, making you more susceptible and less likely for a full recovery.

If you don’t move your body every day, now is the time to do so. You could go for a walk every day, play with your children or grandchildren at the park or dance to your favorite songs.

Every hour, make an effort to get up and move. Even if you only do it for a couple of minutes.