Dietary supplements are a great way to prevent chronic disease and improve your overall health. Supplements are not always beneficial, particularly if you’re trying to improve heart health. Some supplements can even be harmful, increasing your risk of developing disease. The ...
Artificial sweeteners are a popular substitute for sugar because of their low calorie content and effect on blood sugar levels. Recent studies have shown these sugar substitutes may have adverse effects on health . A new study found that erythritol (a sugar ...
The American Heart Association established an Impact Goal for 2020 to improve cardiovascular health by 20% among all Americans and reduce deaths due to cardiovascular disease by 20%. One key component of this initiative is the “ The Simple 7 “, which ...
Atlas 2023 published by the World Obesity Federation highlights alarming predictions that over half of people on Earth are overweight or obese in 12 years’ time if prevention, treatments, and support don’t improve. This document sheds light on a growing ...
Coenzyme-Q10 (or CoQ10 in short) is a vitamin-like natural compound produced by our body. It plays an important role in the production of energy at the cell level. Every cell in our body contains it, but the concentration is highest in ...
As we age, the cardiovascular system undergoes several changes. These changes can have a negative impact on our health. They increase our risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. Changes in Cholesterol Levels Cholesterol, a type fat, is used ...
As we age, the body undergoes various changes which can have a negative impact on our everyday lives. Many of us begin to experience physical changes, emotional changes, and social change in our 70s. These can be difficult to cope ...
Nearly everyone will experience back pain to some extent at some time in their life. Back pain is caused by many factors including bad posture, poor posture, stress and muscle strain. It can also be caused by medical conditions. The pain ...
It’s widely known that the food we eat has a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. Most people know that their diet can affect things like body weight, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol. However, many are unaware that diet ...
Breathing is an important aspect of physical and mental well-being that is often overlooked. We live our lives without giving it much thought, but it’s the foundation for our health and vitality. Breathwork can help you achieve your fitness and ...