Most people think that calories are bad and that you must reduce them dramatically to lose weight. Experts, however, believe that weight loss may involve more than just counting. The experts also stated that a number of factors can affect a person’s ...

A stroke is an emergency medical situation. Blood flow to the brain was interrupted by either a blood clot, or bleeding. This causes oxygen-starved cells in the brain to begin dying, which can lead to long-term disability and death. Recent research ...

The health benefits of coffee have been extensively studied. Recent evidence indicates that coffee may be harmful to health. What is the truth regarding coffee’s health benefits? The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study The Japan Collaborative Cohort Study (JACC) was launched ...

It’s widely known that the food we eat has a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. Most people know that their diet can affect things like body weight, blood glucose levels, and cholesterol. However, many are unaware that diet ...

It can be frustrating to have dry skin. If it is not treated correctly, it can cause other skin issues such as itchiness, cracking and bleeding. With the right care you can restore your skin to a healthy and glowing state. ...

The Phthalates group is a chemical used to soften plastics and increase their flexibility. These chemicals are used in many industrial applications. food packaging children’s toys personal care products medical devices cosmetics perfumes These chemicals can easily be released into the ...

Beauty standards are always bombarding us with what to do and how to look. Women are expected to have a smooth, flawless face. Every woman has some facial hair, peach fuzz, on her cheeks, upper lips, chin or sideburns. Many women ...

Many couples find the journey to conception exciting and emotional. It can be frustrating and stressful if you’re not able conceive as soon as you hoped. There are many things that can impact your ability to become pregnant. However, there are ...

It can be a journey full of surprises and excitement. The anticipation of whether you are pregnant before the journey begins can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Signs of pregnancy vary from person-to-person, and from pregnancy to pregnancy. There are some ...

You may notice that even if your teeth are white and bright, they have lost some of their shine. It could be due to stains from foods and drinks. This could also be due to getting older. There are many products and ...